Healthways Chiropractic: Care for the Whole Family
Call to make an appointment today! 612-869-7371
Dr. St. Clair is Available as a Public Speaker/Educator
Dr. St. Clair has spoken to many organizations and community groups about stress and wellness, providing important information from her years of chiropractic experience and keen knowledge about people. She has also facilitated retreats and participated in health fairs.
Among those who have benefited from her educations outreaches are:
Parents Without Partners
National Association of Female Executives
Presbyterian Church Central Office Staff
Metropolitan Community Church
American Business Women’s Association
Richfield Women of Today
Richfield Optimist Club
Richfield Community Education
Southside Family Nurturing Center
For more information about scheduling Dr. St. Clair to speak to your group, please call 612-869-7371. This is provided as a community service at no charge.